Monday, October 18, 2010

La Primavera by Botticelli

La Primavera or 'Allegory of Spring' was a painting made by Sandro Botticelli in the year 1482. This is one of the most famous paintings made in the Renaissance era. It was done on a flat panel of wood. The tecnhique known as 'Tempera' or oil painting was used to preserve the life of the painting. The tecnhique was also used to show precision in the art.

This painting shows minds of great people starting to grow and show. Art such as La Primavera were new to the people in Renaissance Italy because they used to always show art as a story about the church or at least about an event in reality. But this painting revolutionized the way artists paint by showing the beauty of the human mind.

This painting is about Venus and her people celebrating the beginning of it. This is not religious or realistic proving that it is fantasy from mythology stories. The way the mythical characters dress might also have represented the trend back in Renaissance Italy. Other than the stories it tells, this painting also uses techniques such as anatomical accuracy and sfamto which was new to the people in Italy back then. This also shows the innovation from art being about religous stories to beauty and expression.

In conclusion, La Primavera by Sandro Boticelli is an excelent example of what happened during the Renaissance as it moved from the dullness to creating beautiful pieces of art such as this.

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