Monday, January 31, 2011

My Learner Profile

I learn best when I focus on details. I process information mainly by analysis, verbalization and writing. I need structured and sequenced learning. I need to be calm and not stressed because I would not be able to see the big picture. Learning with help of language (both oral and written) will help my learning. Learning step by step with visual and auditory instructions will help my learning. My profile says I would have a hard time accessing the gestalt hemisphere is I am under stress. I would like my teachers to know that I am not a 100% sure about being an A profile. I think I sometimes only see the big picture in certain problems or scenes. Positive and enjoyable learning usually helps me learn faster and better. An integrative balance of art, music, freeform movement and interpersonal skills combined with cognitive endeavors will be highly beneficial. I also appreciate rewards, gives me motivation.